
VMX Logistics Inc. has established a reputation for providing prompt, reliable services to the importing community. By utilizing experienced technology and continuous improvement of our services, the VMX Logistics Inc, LLC. name is recognized as a leading provider of third party warehouse, order-fulfillment, retail compliance and E.D.I. services. These core foundations have enabled VMX Logistics Inc. to thrive as a market leader in today’s competitive transportation industry. Our goal is to contribute to the efficiency and cost effectiveness of your distribution process. From picking up your product(s) at the port to shipping your product(s) across the United States, VMX Logistics Inc, LLC. personnel will handle your products at all points of the distribution process to ensure delivery of your cargo intact and on time. Our services add value to your business and enhance your competitive advantage. If you are not doing business with us, you should be. This means, if you are providing your own on-site logistics you may not be enjoying the cost effectiveness that an offsite, full-turn-key fulfillment center can provide. With VMX Logistics Inc. Warehousing, let the power of our business increase the power of YOUR business!

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